Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why Go? According to Chelsea Savala

Why YOU should go on a AYC mission trip. There is no explanation to describe how amazing it is to have your eyes opened in such a way it completely changes who you are. That is what just one AYC experience did for me. I was beyond blessed to join a group of young people heading to Uganda, Africa sitting on that forever long plane ride all of us full of hope and anticipation. The moment the plane flew low enough for us to see Africa it was a fight to get in a window, to see another country below you knowing the God that made our home also made theirs. We were about to enter a completely different world. 
Having no one to rely on in a foreign land except our leaders and the rest of the AYC group really hit me once we were off the plane it honestly made me more independent. Meeting and getting to know these absolutely amazing people of Uganda changed my personal opinion of myself and who I wanted to be. The love, trust, loyalty and faith that they had were at a level so high I can only pray to obtain one day. The services were probably as close to being in Heaven as possible. The worship and dance were pure love and joy for God and for hours at a time. The mind set of the people took my breath away at how humble and how in love with God they were. To have the bare-minimum to survive they are the happiest group of people I have ever and will probably ever meet. 
Not only did the people of Uganda affect me but also the other AYCer’s. Getting to know the group of outstanding young people in the ALJC district and becoming inseparable friends even after the trip is such a blessing. All of us have different passions and lives we lead but there is one thing all 28 of us will have in common, this mission trip. God always has the perfect plan and every one of us were there for a reason and I couldn’t ask for a better group to be with. 
My life has drastically changed because of this AYC trip. Uganda will forever be in my heart, my worship, my love and my dance. Even if you don’t specifically feel called to foreign mission work still go, at least one time in your life. Break out of your box, trust God with your whole being and step in faith. Nothing but pure greatness can come from a missions trip. :)

-Chelsea Savala

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